The podcast where we obsess over the cinematic classic The Room one minute at a time.
First Episodes
Pilot - "The Room is a divine accident"
A little prep work before we begin looking at the modern cinematic classic The Room one minute at a time.

Minute 1 - "he's too good for our world, isn't he?"
Richard Jackson of Val Verde Broadcasting and David Smith of Airplane Minute join me to talk about logos, dead producers, SF landmarks, bad movies, and foreign directors.

Minute 2 - "a good performance as an annoying character"
Richard Jackson of Val Verde Broadcasting and David Smith of Airplane Minute join me to talk about Juliette Danielle, Hayden Christensen, Jumper, Carolyn Minnot, Birde...

Minute 3 - "Why is it called The Room?"
David Smith of Airplane Minute joins us to talk about the last of the opening titles, the classic opening scene, and whether or not Lisa is a slave here. Plus, Troll 2...

Minute 4 - "there's some good... objective good art going on here"
Sean German of Groundhog Minute joins us to talk about Johnny's behavior, whether Denny is creepy or innocent, laughter as punctuation, and quotable lines.